I have a question to ask about Massage/Nuru Massage, and without running the risk of upsetting/offending the Escorts.
There are Escorts, who provide this service, but can both a man and woman contract anything when their aroused genitals are in contact before penetration and before protection is provided? I have been watching quite a number of Nuru and general Massage video's, on Adult porn sites, which has prompted me to ask this question.
I want to ask this question to the Escort, but do not want to be accused by her or the agency she works for (many are independent) for wasting her time and to be seen as being careless and transference of any blame etc, if you get my drift. We all have to take precautions on both sides and are responsible for our General Health and Safety and Well-being. On both sides and without over-thinking or worry about something later, I do not want both or one of us to be informed a test result at the Clinic, has gone against either of us.
Many thanks for reading and taking the time to answer my question