My city (county in Cali) isn't an option.

Started by Deleted user Edit Topic

Deleted user

I would like to advertise in Orange County, CA but it's currently not an option (surprising!). What do i need to do in order to have that updated so we are on the map! OC is pretty big in Cali you know - LOL!!!

Thanks Much!!

Deleted user


Please tell me which city in Orange County you need, so I can add it to our list.

Thanks, Claire.

Deleted user

I'm in Irvine however Orange County is how we list our ads since there are so many cities that make up this area. If you look on back page, craigslist, ted, city vibe, etc…you will find that we do not list by our actual cities but rather Orange County. Can you please add OC rather than Irvine as that is the norm for this area?? Thank You!!

Deleted user

Thanks so much for fulfilling my request Claire ~ You Rock!!
