Cynthia - escort in Monterrey Photo 1 of 7
Cynthia - escort in Monterrey Photo 2 of 7
Cynthia - escort in Monterrey Photo 3 of 7
Cynthia - escort in Monterrey Photo 4 of 7
Cynthia - escort in Monterrey Photo 5 of 7
Cynthia - escort in Monterrey Photo 6 of 7
Cynthia - escort in Monterrey Photo 7 of 7

Hola me llamo Cynthia soy una escort muy bella, con todo por delante, cuerpo bien formado, busto grande, gluteos tambien grandes, suaves y bien ricos, con una piel llamativa blanca, suave para disfrutar lentamente tocandola y besandola para que puedas sentir el verdadero placer mi amor, el rostro aunque no lo puedes ver, lo tengo hermoso, tengo evidencia que por mis citas pasadas y mis amistades me lo recuerdan muy seguido, soy de cara bonita, toda esta linda figura no es porque si me cuido demasiado, soy fitness, hago ejercicio y mi alimentacion es cuidada. Para que puedas al verme trabajar tu mente al 100 porciento mi amor.

Hello, my name is Cynthia, I am a very beautiful escort, with everything in front of me, well-formed body, large bust, also large, soft and rich buttocks, with striking white, soft skin to slowly enjoy touching and kissing her so that you can feel the real Pleasure my love, although you can't see my face, it is beautiful, I have evidence that from my past dates and my friends remind me of it very often, I have a pretty face, all this pretty figure is not because if I take too much care of myself, I am fitness, I exercise and my diet is careful. So that you can see me work your mind 100 percent my love.

Incalls per hour from
$3,500 (US$174)

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