I met Kara several times when she was in Dubai. She is a very sensual girl, knows how to please a…
Met her today in Pune.
It was my first time, so requested her to go gentle.
She fulfilled all my…
I met Amanda in the beginning November, and she was absolutely amazing. It ended up being the best…
Met this beauty 2 years ago she is amazingly hot tall and dark she is very sweet talks nicely…
I met her two years ago in the month of January in Delhi. The night was cold and Malena was…
Wish i can meet you soon...
Tried multiple times...
Unfortunatly our destinies were not…
I met Jazz today 😊 first am Soo nearves and shy where it's my first time with shemale experience…
Please come to india and bless us with your…
Soon my dear ❤️
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