I met up with Max in Dubai, as soon as I saw him walk into the hotel room...i was astonished, he…
He was amazing. Accommodating and easy going. Let me be myself which was an amazing experience.…
Very classy, met him twice, fulfilled our needs and my wife was a very happy wife 🤗 highly…
I love him. He is beautiful from inside and outside. My meetings with him are always great.…
He is nice Guy.. Pro masseur.. I'm relaxing to much.i spend 2 hours.. Hope see u soon again
I met Adam last night and it was truly an unforgettable night 😍. Great guy😘, very good guy, nice,…
Perfect services and we spend good time with him hope to see him again
Absolutely my type, look so sexy and awesome body! We talked by phone call firstly, she has sweet…
Tom. See you bro
MatLiu here . you will be very surprised to see my message here , i want to…
I met this young man he was among the best I met on this site, very nice, funny, handsome and above…
Met Damien at his place. He's totally beautiful and charming. Splending headgame and takes dick…
I have met with Dima several times already. An amazing massage, a very good, kind and sociable guy,…
Wow, you were an obedient puppy. My husband and I were happy to play with you. I advise everyone to…
I met her in Mumbai and oh my god, she is the best you can ever meet. I was nervous since it was my…
I had met him on multiple occasions in Bahrain and Dubai and cant wait for COVID to blow over to…
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