User: Genuine1983

Latest reviews by Genuine1983

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    Priyanka - escort in New Delhi
    Rating: 5 / 5

    Here are people who ask money for vdo call confirmation and 80% of these people eat money. This girl made vdo call on time and what an amazing girl.Excellent communication skills,positive aura and good body language.Genuine one .

    Thanks for your kind words.
    Really means a lot to us.

  • Verified photos
    Silk - Curvy Beauty High Profile Indpndt - escort in New Delhi
    Rating: 4 / 5

    Genuine Bandi.
    Honest ,soft hearted .
    Means what she said.
    Posting review after one month of meeting.
    Gurgaon guy

    Thanks for Your Kind Words. Specially Genuine "Bandi" 😍 Love You.