User: effyoujackass

Latest reviews by effyoujackass

  • Verified photos
    Pynk - Transsexual escort in Pattaya
    Rating: 5 / 5

    I met Pynk a few weeks ago in Pattaya and she struck me as being very beautiful, super sexy, but she was also really funny and fun to be around. Her body is even hotter in person and I was very happy when she took control in the bedroom. Everything was extremely hot and she showed me that she knew exactly what she was doing. I'm glad I let her take the lead as she was incredible and she definitely has a big cock and I left there just thinking “wow. What just happened?”

    I will absolutely be calling her again!

    Contact me to whatsapp +66991800848

Latest questions by effyoujackass

  • ⚜️YOUNG BABE⚜️ - Transsexual escort in Abu Dhabi
    25 Jun 2024

    What are the odds of you ever visiting North America in the future? I know that's really far, but I used to live in Asia and I missed my chance of meeting you then. I know it's not very likely but you never know.. hah

    I’m not sure yet but anyway if you have any chance to visit Asia again let meet up☺️

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